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Bent Branches and Overgrowth: When to Schedule Tree Trimming

Home ownership is one of life’s greatest enjoyments and most important investments. That’s why keeping up with vital maintenance inside and outside your house is crucial. When it comes to taking proper care of the exterior of a house, keeping up with landscaping needs is essential, especially when it comes to maintaining your trees.

Understanding Tree Risks

While trees offer a great deal of shade and beauty to any yard, they also come with risks if not adequately cared for. Unattended trees can be a hazard to the structure of a home as well as to outbuildings and vehicles. Weakened trees, branches, and overgrowth leave homeowners at risk of suffering significant roof damage and safety hazards during inclement weather and high winds.

Falling trees and limbs can also pose a risk to people and property if the tree is aging, insect-infested, diseased, or damaged. While a tree may appear healthy, it may have structural growth problems that pose a risk.

When to Order Tree Maintenance Service

The best time to order tree service is in the fall and spring. Maintaining trees in the fall after a summer of growth is recommended if they’re overgrown or infested with insects. Trees that have been damaged and bent from inclement winter weather should receive the attention they need before summer storms set in. Some specific tree problems are discussed below.

Insect Infestation

If you have noticed large netted webs on your trees or punctured holes in the trunk or circles, this is a sign the tree has been impacted by insect infestation.

Tree Disease

Tree diseases are often first noticed in the leaves through discoloration and spots running throughout branches. They can also be seen when branches have little leaf presentation or stunted leaf growth. Dead branches on your trees should be removed to prevent the risk of falling limbs.


Tree overgrowth occurs during the summer and is evident when trees start covering rooftops, power lines, and window space. A homeowner should never trim tree growth near power lines. This should only be handled by a professional. It often requires the power to be shut off during maintenance.

Damaged Trees

Limbs and large branches are often damaged during high winds and severe weather. Broken branches and limbs should be removed to ensure they don’t become airborne during storms, causing severe risks to people and property.

If you notice any of these situations with the trees in your yard, our Greenville, NC tree care professionals at Eastern Tree Pros will be happy to provide trimming and pruning services. Give us a call to learn more or schedule an appointment.