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Spring vs. Fall Pruning: What’s Right for Your Trees?

The general rule of thumb is to prune trees in winter – approximately November through March. This is when most trees are dormant. With a few exceptions, these colder months are generally the best time to trim a tree, but here’s a closer look at spring versus fall pruning.

Beneficial: Deciduous Trees and Fall Pruning

Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the fall and produce buds in the spring. Because you don’t want to cut off all the new buds, fall is the best time of the year to prune these trees.

Other benefits of fall pruning for these types of trees include:

  • It’s easier to see the framework of the tree
  • There’s less risk of bleeding, referring to sap coming out of the tree (although this does not harm the tree)
  • It’s easier to avoid damaging trees accidentally
  • It encourages spring growth by removing weak connecting branches

Note: The industry standard is to remove less than 30% of live tissue from a tree in any season.

Beneficial: Flowering and Fruit Trees and Spring Pruning

Late-blooming trees should be pruned in the late spring or early summer. Fruit trees should be pruned in the early spring to allow for more sunlight, which in turn helps to produce healthier and larger fruits.

Risks of Fall Pruning

Fall pruning should be done after the tree is completely dormant. If a tree is pruned too early, it stimulates new growth. This is potentially harmful since new growth in the fall leaves trees susceptible to frost damage. Sap bleeding could also cause insect or disease problems.

Risks of Spring Pruning

Spring pruning is beneficial in many instances. However, it’s not advised that you prune when it’s damp outside, and extra moisture is often the case in the spring. An ideal condition is a dry, and sunny day. This is when the cut is more likely to be clean and the wound can heal correctly.

Pruning Exceptions

Pruning is recommended for any trees with dead or diseased branches. You can also prune trees that are too close to your property or your home, such as a tree branch over your roof that might bring in winter snow or animals. If you have flowering trees that bloom in the spring, they can be pruned as soon as they stop blooming.

Contact Eastern Tree Pros in Greenville, NC to schedule tree pruning or trimming or to schedule an appointment to find if pruning is recommended for your trees.