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Signs Your Tree Is Impacted by Infestation

Sometimes, tree infestations will go on for years before homeowners realize there is a problem. This is because most people don’t know how to tell if an infestation is present. Often, the problem is severe before it is noticed, and by then, there is significant damage. To preserve the health of your trees and keep damage at bay, you must know the warning signs of a tree infestation so you can act quickly.

White Spots

If you see that there is an abundance of white spots on the branches or leaves, you are contending with a scale insect infestation. Scale insects are parasitic, and they feed on plant fluids. One white spot contains thousands of these insects. Some homeowners confuse these white spots for mold or believe they are part of the tree bark.

Chewed Foliage

If you notice that many leaves have holes or are jagged around the edges, they are being eaten by insects. The most common are the weevil or the beetle. Insects will leave diverse chewing patterns and will eat different parts of leaves. A licensed arborist will be able to identify the type of infestation and treat it.

Holes in the Bark

If any of your trees have holes in their bark and you see a sawdust-like substance coming from these holes, they are being consumed by insects. Wood-boring insect larvae are the likely culprits. The adult tree borer insects reside in the tree and leave via exit holes, They lay their eggs in cracks that are in the tree bark or at the tree base. When these eggs hatch, the larvae will make their way through the trees causing tunnels. This tunneling deprives trees of nutrients and water until they die.

Foliage Is Yellowing or Not Vibrant

If leaves are yellowing or do not appear as vibrant as they should, there are a wide variety of reasons for this. Sure, this can mean that there is a problem with the fertility of the soil or having too little or too much moisture; however, yellowing or dullness can also mean the presence of pests or disease.

Sticky Substances on Trees and Leaves

Some insects will consume a plant’s sugar and then deposit some of it onto the leaves and bark. Homeowners tend to mistake this substance for black mold. If you notice sticky substances on leaves or bark, this is a sure sign that your tree is being feasted on by pests.

Leaves Not Growing to Full Potential

When leaves are not growing to full potential, this means that there is likely an infestation that is depriving the impacted trees of their nutrients. This warrants a call to a licensed arborist who will determine the pests that are causing the problem and come up with a solution for how to eradicate them.

While diagnosing the exact problem requires a professional tree care specialist, it is good to know the warning signs so you can catch problems before they cause you to lose mature and valuable trees. If you live in the Greenville, NC area and have spotted these warning signs in any of your trees, contact us at Eastern Tree Pros for tree care services or tree removal.